roomware devhouse2 was great
Once again, we assembled at Peter's place in Amsterdam this time for a weekender of conjecture, coding and testing. Quite a few new faces arrived as well as a core number of people from the first dev house. What did we achieve? Well, we now have a running roomware server with blue tooth module and were able to build an application. It scans for bluetooth devices, and upon finding them pulls the name of the device. It then calls the flickr api and displays the profile icons of people in the rooms and makes a photo-slide show of the first 10 images of each of the people detected. I was NOT amazed we got so far as the team is pretty damn good. We also had discussions on the language needed to define and describe a roomware application. Now to take care of security, stability of the server. Ubi and Valerie started work on a very lightweight client.
I have spent the last weeks slowly being opened up to the "internet of things". After many chats with Ben and Tijs and Robert, i realize we really are coming at this whole space from a very different angle. The roomware project is building walls and floors on an open source license for others to then add furniture and build in features.
One of the great side effects of this project is that i seem to suddenly have made a lot of new friends!