Thursday, April 19, 2007

Slight update: Lifesized blog and site

If you have not already found my new work residence online including a new blog, go and check it out at It was time to move business operations out of Google's hands (bless their souls for all the free goodies, hope they have earned a bob or two from me). At the link above you will find me writing on more serious design matters (although still from my POV naturally). I'm also writing over at the Roomwareproject's Blog. This place i will keep for posts of a more personal and frivolous nature!

Woke up at 7.30 a.m. to the sound of a sledgehammer pounding down a wall

And then i found this letter posted though the mailbox.

It says that a building project started in the house next door will continue from now for the next 12 weeks! Leuk, Shit,F*(^$@A*H&@#*L^*....
On second thoughts, breaking down walls doesn't take that long. I just need to hold out till the time they start sanding down and painting. In the meantime, better go and get some Ohropax.