Saturday, March 05, 2005

Tagwebs, Flickr, and the Human Brain

Jakob Lodwick writes about Tagwebs and the expected growth of each individuals unique way of tagging their world. He also describes how we will tag tags, linking our unique ways of labelling artifacts (photographs, memories, links, people) to collective tagging emergence/rules. And of course he is challenged by counter arguments to his argument and discovery. To be found on the Flickr bulletin board.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Customized tax forms

"There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes" -Benjamin Franklin
I made these 2 tax forms a couple years ago. Now that i'm blogging, it seems appropriate to post them as they relate to all our discussions of peoplepower. They are theoretical and of course not possible (yet) in any practical application. Still they should prove interesting to discuss. They are forbingers of a trend towards new citizen/government interfaces.

Tax report and Tax choice help build transparency between citizens and government/society. Visibility is key. By seeing where you are in a system, you remember you are a part of that system. By giving people the choice to participate in that system you dare to give some power back to the people again and thus build trust.

The downside to this is that you depend on the intelligence(moral and intellectual) of ordinary people. This can be rich or poor. We will need a robust system to get over the petty fighting of opposing positions that may arise. (every solution creates a new problem...). Another point to bear in mind is that there are other ways to build trust beyond giving citizens control over taxation.

Kaos Pilots 10 year anniversary!

The KaosPilots are my spiritual family. I have been thinking like this my whole life. They have been doing this for 10 years. So i want to tip my hat in their general direction. Bravo!

post from VOX POP on their site. one student's answer to questions addressed to them all

Katrin Rumenapp, 3rd year student, German, Team 8

1) What were you doing just before you started studying at the KaosPilots? I started connecting Danish words and wrote a thesis about public relations.

2) What's the most challenging and intense learning experience you've had during your education so far? Writing a book together with 50 students.

3) What and who do you want to work with after graduation? The organization of cultural adventures.

4) In what areas can other schools be inspired by the KaosPilots? Creative learning: how to think differently and implement it in all kinds of contexts.

5) What's the most inspiring thing happening in Europe right now? Glasgow clubbing, real art fairs and a graveyard with a city view.

6) If you were to give President Bush three pieces of good - and serious - advice, what would they be? Take time out.Enjoy a vacation and Stop wearing the same crocodile-leather shoes as Saddam (they both use the same Italian shoe designer :-)).

Sunday, February 27, 2005

The alphabet affects our feelings, doings and being

More from the incredible and underutilized conference "Digital Future" organized by CSPAN and the Library of Congress.
de Kerkhove has studied how the alphabet affects our logic, our feelings and thus our sense of being. As this is true, so the effects of using The Internet and its new logic, and processes reorganizes these three categories again. And following this some more news of the arrival of the bloggosphere.

Listen to Monday, November 2004, lecture


my current audio/video playlist

What to tell you.
Well, the Dutch Connection is alive and well.
Amazed today with WebJay, which sounds lame although its kinda grown on me. Bloglines and WebJay created a totally new internet, de-geeking the web so we can create playlists on topic areas so we can share feelings and positions (video/audio and links), scan(news faster and more of it) to inform our interests.